Tips during temporary power outages
If your home experiences a temporary power outage, here are some key reminders to keep your food out of the Danger Zone:
Monitor Temperatures: Keep thermometer in both the refrigerator and freezer. Make sure the refrigerator temperature is at 4°C or below and the freezer is at -18°C or below. To preserve cold air that keeps food safe, only open the refrigerator or freezer if absolutely necessary.
4-Hour Window: Your refrigerator will keep food safe for up to 4 hours during a power outage if you don’t open the door. After 4 hours without power, discard refrigerated perishable food. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and leftovers must be thrown out.
When in Doubt, Throw it Out: Never taste food to determine its safety. Food Keeps Longer in a Freezer: If the doors stay closed, food will stay safe for up to 48 hours in a full freezer and 24 hours in a half-full freezer.
Use a Cooler: Transfer food to a cooler and fill with ice or frozen gel packs. Make sure there is enough ice to keep food in the cooler at 4° C or below. Add more ice to the cooler as it begins to melt.
Plan Ahead: Obtain dry ice or block ice if your power is going to be out for a prolonged period. 22KG of dry ice should hold an 500L freezer for 2 days. (Caution: Do not touch dry ice with bare hands or place it in direct contact with food.)
Source: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)