Wheat grain - wheat is the main seeds culture. Several types of cereal are made from wheat: Manan, Artek, Poltava, wheat flakes. Mannan cereal has a fairly high energy value, it cooks quickly, but it is poor in vitamins and minerals.
Depending on the face, the grain is divided into brands: "T", "M", "MT".
"T" mark of seeds is made from cool wheat and contains yellow particles, it is semi-transparent;
"M" mark of seeds is produced from soft, vitreous wheat, is floury, opaque, white in color, cooks quickly.
"MT" mark of seeds is obtained by mixing soft wheat with hard wheat (20%), it is also opaque, floury, creamy-yellow color. Polished wheat is obtained from cool glassy wheat, rarely from soft wheat.
Wheat flakes are obtained by polishing the wheat kernels, then they are boiled in sugar syrup with salt, dried, pressed and rolled on a machine and roasted. The plates are crispy, pleasant-tasting, brownish thin sheets, it is eaten with tea, coffee, milk and broth, as well as separately in dry form (it is a ready-made product).
Barley -are obtained from milled, but not polished barley grains. Unlike groats, groats are not made of polished grains, although they contain much more cellular and mineral substances, which are difficult for the human body to absorb. Barley kernels are boiled for 40-50 minutes and increase in volume by 5-6 times.
Buckwheat - produced from buckwheat grains. This type of cereal is significantly different from the others in terms of chemical composition, high nutritional value, content of vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat proteins contain all essential amino acids. Due to the high content of mineral substances and vitamins, buckwheat is considered a dietary and medicinal food.
Rice - are produced in three types, polished, polished and milled.Polished rice - represents rice grains with the particles of the shell and part of the aleurone layer removed. This type of rice grain is produced in extra, superior, 1, 2, and 3 quality.Hulled rice - is a residue of polished rice production, it is not divided into grades. The grains are 1.5 mm in size.Rice cereal is characterized by a high content of starch and other easily digestible carbohydrates for the human body (86-89%). It contains a small amount of proteins, sugar and cellulose. It is characterized by good consumer and culinary properties, high caloric content and high degree of assimilation.
Sorghum - Polished grain is produced from sorghum, which has the fruit and grain shell and germ removed, as well as the aleurone layer. Sorghum grains are covered with a thick layer that contains fat. During storage, sorghum grain quickly turns bitter and acquires an unpleasant taste. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it in warm water before cooking. The color of the grain changes from light yellow to reddish. The yellow colored grain is vitreous and is characterized by good consumption and culinary properties. Sorghum grain is poor in essential amino acids, so it is recommended to take it with eggs, cottage cheese, milk and meat. The duration of cooking is 25-30 minutes and the volume of products increases 4-7 times. Sorghum grain is prepared in the highest, 1st and 2nd quality.
Oat - the following types of groats are produced from oats: steamed oats, polished oats, Hercules plates, extra groats and Tolokno groats. Oatmeal is distinguished by its low content of starch, high content of proteins and fats, which is why it is used for medicinal purposes. During cooking, porridge increases in volume by 4-5 times, it is cooked for 60-80 minutes (except for Hercules).
Corn - are sold in the following forms: polished corn grits, airy corn grits, corn flakes and crispy corn sticks. The seeds have an oval or round shape, white with a slightly amber color. The consistency of the porridge is cool, it is boiled for 1 hour, it increases in volume 3-4 times. Consumption of corn kernels helps to increase immunity, it is easily absorbed by the body, regular consumption improves the functioning of the digestive system, does not cause allergic reactions. Used in baby food. The disadvantage of cornmeal can be considered to be insufficient protein content and long cooking time.
There is a new type of cereal made from different raw materials: wheat, rice, oats, buckwheat. Grains are crushed, enriched with vitamins, dry skimmed milk, sugar, soy flour, processed by thermal method, then pressed and sifted, dried and packed in cardboard boxes. Such porridge is easy to prepare, almost perfectly absorbed by the human body. It is used in dietary and baby food.